You Need To See Those Tips and Tricks For Using Essence brow powder set: Unlock Your Brow Potential

Essence brow powder set

Briefly about the product Essence brow powder set:

Essence Brow Powder Set – No. 01 – Light & Medium

This brow powder set offers two tones of eyebrow powder for effortless application.

Specifically designed for those with light brown eyebrows, this vegan product ensures a perfect result every time.

With its easy-to-use applicator featuring angled bristles, achieving precisely filled and shaped eyebrows has never been simpler.

Whether you’re on the go or preparing for any occasion, this set is your go-to solution for natural-looking, well-defined eyebrows with just one stroke.

My review:

Essence brow powder set – The first product of this type that recently found its way into my collection, and you can read my experience with it below.

The product comes in a set with two shades and an applicator.

The content of the product weighs 2.3 g and the price is around 3 EUR.

I was excited about this set because it contains two shades that can be combined to get the color that suits you.

For example, I often have a problem when I buy an eyebrow pencil because it is difficult to find the right shade, and with this set I can easily adjust the color I need.

Thanks to the angled bristles, the hay is very easy to apply to the eyebrows and the desired shape is achieved.

The colors are highly pigmented and of high quality, so you can be worry-free all day, the color will not smudge.

In the pictures, you can see how my eyebrows look before and after using the set.

What I would point out as an advantage of this product compared to drawing with a pencil is that the eyebrows look more natural and beautiful.

Have you tried this set? If you have, you can share your experiences in the comments, and if you haven’t… hmmm… go shopping 🙂

Also, if you are thinking about buying a new mascara, I recommend that you try the Loreal Paris Panorama Mascara.

Ukratko o proizvodu Essence brow powder set:

Essence set pudera za obrve – br. 01 – lagan i srednji

Ovaj set pudera za obrve nudi dva tona pudera za obrve za nanošenje bez napora.

Posebno dizajniran za one sa svetlo smeđim obrvama, ovaj veganski proizvod svaki put obezbeđuje savršen rezultat.

Sa aplikatorom koji se lako koristi i ima zakošene dlačice, postizanje precizno popunjenih i oblikovanih obrva nikada nije bilo jednostavnije.

Bez obzira da li ste u pokretu ili se pripremate za bilo koju priliku, ovaj set je vaše rešenje za prirodni izgled, dobro definisane obrve samo jednim potezom.

Moja recenzija:

Essence brow powder set – Prvi proizvod ovog tipa koji se nedavno našao u mojoj kolekciji, a moje iskustvo sa njim možete pročitati u nastavku teksta.

Proizvod dolazi u obliku seta sa dve sene i aplikatorom za nanošenje.

Sadržaj proizvoda je težine 2,3 gr i cena je oko 3 EUR.

Ovaj set me oduševio jer sadrži dve nijanse sene koje mogu da se kombinuju kako biste dobili boju koja vam odgovara.

Ja na primer često imam problem kada kupujem olovku za obrve jer je teško naći odgovarajuću nijansu, a sa ovim setom lako prilagodim boju koja mi treba.

Zahvaljući zakošenim dlačicama sena se vrlo lako nanosi na obrve i postiže se željeni oblik.

Boje su jako pigmentovane i kvalitetne,tako da možete biti bez brige ceo dan, boja se neće razmazivati.

Na slikama možete videti kako izgledaju moje obrve pre i posle koršćenja seta.

Ono što bih ja istakla kao prednost ovog proizvoda u odnosu na crtanje olovkom je to što obrve izgledaju prirodnije i lepše.

Da li ste vi isprobale ovaj set? Ukoliko jeste možete da podelite vaša iskustva u komentarima, a ukoliko niste…hmmm… pravac u shopping 🙂

Takođe ako razmišljate o kupovini nove maskare moja preporuka je da isprobate Loreal Paris Panorama Mascara.

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