What you need to know about Stevan Still shampoo with nettle?

Stevan Still

Briefly about the product Stevan Still shampoo with nettle and bur:

Stevan Still Bio Shampoo with nettle and burdock in a 1000ml package, ideal for all hair types.

This shampoo is specially formulated to strengthen the hair roots, giving you a strong foundation for healthy hair.

With superior quality and large packaging, this herbal formula contains 100% natural extracts and oils, without parabens, paraffin, and SLS.

Use the power of nature for shiny, healthy hair with Still Bio Shampoo.

My review:

It has been known since ancient times how effective nettles and thistles are in terms of strengthening hair roots and their structure. Our grandmothers used nettle shampoos and almost all of them had lush and thick hair.

Today, given the availability and marketing of well-known brands, many people use exactly those branded shampoos that promise miracles and with which the effect of false volume and shine is achieved, and in the long run your hair becomes of worse quality and begins to fall out due to the harmful ingredients in those shampoos.

I have to admit, unfortunately, that I also belong to that group of people, I used shampoos that were advertised, and my hair became thinner and weaker over time, I got to the point where I currently have twice as much hair compared to 4-5 years ago. I decided to ditch those shampoos and go back to natural shampoos and bought this Stevan Still Nettle & Burdock Shampoo.

The packaging is economical, it contains 1000 ml and the price is around 3 EUR.

The texture is of medium density, green, and has a slight herbal smell.

Thanks to the smaller opening on the cap, it is easy to dose the required amount.

It is enough to apply a small amount of the product on the hair because it foams easily, rub it in lightly, leave it on the hair for a minute or two, and then wash it off.

After washing, I feel that my hair is really clean because it squeaks under my fingers.

When dry, the hair has natural volume and is fluffy and shiny.

This shampoo completely stopped my hair fall after two months of use. I have tried many different shampoos and hair loss products and nothing has helped me like this shampoo.

The only downside to this product is that it makes my hair a bit tangled after washing, but I put Loreal Paris Elseve Dream Long Heat Slayer Conditioner on the ends and lengths of my hair and then it combs out without a problem.

I think my hair is frizzy because it’s dyed, those with natural color may not have this problem. 🙂

I am very satisfied with this shampoo and will continue to use it in the future.

If you have tried this shampoo, you can write your experiences in the comments, and if you haven’t, I recommend that you try it. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu Stevan Still shampoo with nettle and bur:

Still Bio Šampon sa koprivom i čičakom u pakovanju od 1000ml, idealan za sve tipove kose.

Ovaj šampon je posebno formulisan za jačanje korena kose, pružajući ti snažnu osnovu za zdravu kosu.

Sa vrhunskim kvalitetom i velikim pakovanjem, ova biljna formula sadrži 100% prirodne ekstrakte i ulja, bez parabena, parafina i SLS-a.

Iskoristi moć prirode za sjajnu, zdravu kosu uz Still Bio šampon.

Moja recenzija:

Od davnina je poznato koliko su kopriva i čičak delotvorni po pitanju jačanja korena kose i njene strukture. Naše bake su koristile šampone od koprive i skoro sve su imale bujnu i gustu kosu.

Danas, s obzirom na dostupnost i marketing poznatih brendova, mnogo ljudi koristi upravo te brendirane šampone koji obećavaju čuda i sa kojima se postiže efekat lažnog volumena i sjaja, a dugoročno vaša kosa postaje sve lošijeg kvaliteta i kreće da opada zbog štetnih sastojaka u tim šamponima.

Moram priznati na žalost da i ja spadam u tu grupu ljudi, koristila sam šampone koji su se reklamirali,a moja kosa je postajala vremenom sve tanja i slabija, došla sam do toga da trenutno imam duplo manje kose u odnosu na pre 4-5 godina. Odlučila sam da izbacim te šampone iz upotrebe i vratim se prirodnim šamponima i kupila sam ovaj Stevan Still šampon od koprive i čička.

Pakovanje je ekonomično, sadrži 1000 ml a cena je oko 3 EUR.

Tekstura je srednje gustine, zelene boje i blagog biljnog mirisa.

Zahvaljući manjem otvoru na čepu, lako se dozira potrebna količina.

Dovoljno je naneti manju količinu proizvoda na kosu jer lako zapeni, lagano utrljati, ostaviti minut ili dva da odstoji na kosi i potom isprati.

Nakon pranja imam osećaj da je kosa zaista čista, jer škripi pod prstima.

Kada se osuši kosa ima prirodan volumen, lepršava je i sjajna.

Ovaj šampon mi je nakon dva meseca upotrebe potpuno zaustavio opadanje kose. Probala sam mnogo različitih šampona i preparata protiv opadanja kose i ništa mi nije pomoglo kao ovaj šampon.

Jedina mana ovog proizvoda je što se malo zamrsi kosa nakon pranja, ali ja stavim na vrhove kose i na dužinu Loreal Paris Elseve Dream Long Heat Slayer Conditioner i onda se rasčešlja bez problema.

Mislim da se moja kosa mrsi zbog toga što je farbana, oni sa prirodnom bojom možda i neće imati ovaj problem. 🙂

Prezadovoljna sam ovim šamponom i nastaviću da ga koristim i dalje.

Ukoliko ste vi isprobali ovaj šampon možete da pišete vaša iskustva u komentarima, a ukoliko niste preporučujem da isprobate. 🙂

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