Unlock the Benefits of INSIGHT Loss Control Shampoo for Beautiful Hair

insight loss control

Briefly about the product INSIGHT loss control shampoo

INSIGHT loss control shampoo – Introducing a shampoo formulated specifically to combat hair loss and fortify hair roots. Enriched with organic horse chestnut extract, menthol, guarana extract, and organic echinacea extract, it provides a potent blend to support healthier hair growth.

Notably, it includes ozone water, enhancing its effectiveness in nourishing the scalp and promoting hair strength.

Moreover, this shampoo is free from harmful sulfates like SLS/SLES, mineral oils, parabens, silicones, artificial colors, and fragrances, which are common allergens. This ensures a gentle yet effective solution for those seeking to address hair loss concerns.

My review:

All those who are dealing with hair loss know how difficult it is to find a good shampoo that will help solve this problem.

Among the many shampoos I tried, one stood out for its effectiveness, and that is the INSIGHT loss control shampoo.

After reading positive experiences about it on the forums, I decided to try it myself.

The shampoo comes in a plastic bottle of 400 ml, and the price is around 7 EUR.

If you live in Serbia, you can buy this product in the Alexander store. I’m not sure about other countries, but there is probably an online order option.

The texture of the product is colorless, and thin and has a beautiful refreshing mint smell (I love this smell) 🙂

It is enough to apply a small amount of shampoo to the hair to make it lather and during washing, you can feel a slight cooling sensation on the scalp due to the menthol it contains.

You don’t even need to apply conditioner because your hair doesn’t tangle at all.

I put a very small amount of Loreal Paris Elseve Dream Long Heat Slayer leave-in conditioner because my hair is prone to breakage and this product protects it from heat and gives it extra shine.

After washing with this shampoo, the hair is shiny, easy to comb, and, most importantly, it falls out much less.

With other shampoos, a lot of my hair fell out during washing, and now only a few hairs.

I believe that with further use the shedding will stop completely.

Also, by using this shampoo, I extended my hair washing by one day because my hair is less greasy (otherwise I wash it every other day and with this shampoo every third day).

I am very satisfied with this product, the price is a little higher compared to some regular shampoos, but because of the results I get, I think it is really worth buying it.

If you have tried this shampoo, you can share your experiences in the comments. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu INSIGHT loss control shampoo:

INSIGHT loss control šampon – Predstavljamo vam šampon posebno formulisan za borbu protiv gubitka kose i jačanje korena kose. Obogaćen organskim ekstraktom divljeg kestena, mentolom, ekstraktom guarane i organskim ekstraktom ehinacee, pruža moćnu mešavinu koja podržava zdraviji rast kose.

Naročito uključuje ozonsku vodu, poboljšavajući njenu efikasnost u ishrani vlasišta i jačanju kose.

Štaviše, ovaj šampon ne sadrži štetne sulfate poput SLS/SLES, mineralna ulja, parabene, silikone, veštačke boje i mirise, koji su uobičajeni alergeni. Ovo osigurava nežno, ali efikasno rešenje za one koji žele da se pozabave problemima gubitka kose.

Moja recenzija:

Svi oni koji se suočavaju sa opadanjem kose znaju koliko je teško pronaći dobar šampon koji će pomoći u rešavanju ovog problema.

U mnoštvu šampona koje sam isprobala jedan se izdvojio po svojoj efikasnosti a to je INSIGHT loss control šampon.

Čitajući o njemu pozitivna iskustva po forumima odlučila sam i sama da ga isprobam.

Šampon dolazi u plastičnoj bočici od 400 ml, i cena je oko 7 EUR.

Ukoliko živite u Srbiji ovaj proizvod možete kupiti u Alexandar radnji. Za ostale zemlje nisam sigurna, ali verovatno postoji opcija online porudžbine.

Tekstura proizvoda je bezbojna, retka i prelepog osvežavajućeg mirisa mente(obožavam ovaj miris) 🙂

Dovoljno je naneti manju količinu šampona na kosu da bi zapenio i tokom pranja oseća se blago hlađenje na temenu zbog mentola koji sadrži u sebi.

Ne morate čak da stavljate ni regenerator jer se kosa ne mrsi uopšte.

Ja stavim vrlo malu količinu Loreal Paris Elseve Dream Long Heat Slayer regeneratora koji se ne ispira, jer mi je kosa sklona pucanju a ovaj proizvod je štiti od toplote i daje joj dodatni sjaj.

Nakon pranja ovim šamponom kosa je sjajna, lako se raščešljava i što je najbitnije dosta manje opada.

Od drugih šampona mi je u toku pranja opadalo dosta kose a sada samo par dlaka.

Verujem da će daljom upotrebom opadanje skroz da stane.

Takođe upotrebom ovog šampona pranje kose sam produžila za jedan dan jer mi se kosa manje masti(inače je prerem svaki drugi dan, a sa ovim šamponom svaki treći dan).

Prezadovoljna sam ovim proizvodom, cena jeste malo veća u odnosu na neke obične šampone, ali zbog rezultata koji se postiže mislim da zaista vredi kupiti ga.

Ukoliko ste isprobale ovaj šampon možete da podelite vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

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