Do you like Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte?

Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte

Briefly about the product Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte – Ivory Warm:

Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte – Introducing a long-lasting, mattifying tinted face cream designed to nourish, protect, and deliver a perfect matte finish, particularly suitable for combination or oily skin types.

Enjoy over 10 perks including:

  • Coverage for uneven complexion*
  • Prepares skin for subsequent makeup steps like contouring
  • Improves the appearance of pores*
  • Enhances skin tone*
  • Visibly revitalizes skin*
  • Resistant to sweat*
  • Contains Hydra Multi-Core complex for calming, caring, and pollution protection
  • SPF 30
  • Non-comedogenic
  • Brightens for a flawless, radiant complexion*
  • Provides all-day hydration*
  • And more!

Achieve a poreless finish that minimizes pores and conceals blemishes* No touch-ups needed throughout the day with its long-lasting matte effect and even complexion* Enjoy its light texture that effectively conceals skin imperfections, providing a natural matte appearance*.

My review:

I’m sure that all those who love tinted creams can’t wait to read the review of this product. 🙂

So let’s start as always with the basic information about this cream.

The cream comes in a package of 30 ml, the price is around 15 EUR, and it is available for purchase by ordering from the Oriflame catalog or directly through their website.

Considering that I don’t have problematic skin, I almost never use powders, I always choose some lighter-tinted creams, to even out my complexion and achieve a matting effect.

This cream is intended for combination and oily skin.

It has a light texture and is easy to apply on the face.

There are four shades on offer, I chose Ivory Warm which is perfect for my fair complexion.

You can see in the picture that after applying this cream, my complexion is even, a shade darker, and my skin looks hydrated and radiant.

Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte can be worn both in summer and winter, I recommend it even more in summer because it contains SPF 30, which will protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

The only drawback I noticed with this product is that the matte effect stops after 4-5 hours, so it is necessary to put the powder in the stone in the zone where your face gets oily, in my case it is the so-called T zone (forehead and nose).

I am very satisfied with this product and recommend it to everyone to try.

If you have tried this product, you can share your experience in the comments. 🙂

You can also read my review of a matte foundation that I really liked, which is Maybelline fit me matte foundation 105.

Ukratko o proizvodu Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte – Ivory Warm:

Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte – Predstavljamo dugotrajnu, matirajuću toniranu kremu za lice dizajniranu da neguje, štiti i pruža savršenu mat završnicu, posebno pogodnu za kombinovanu ili masnu kožu.

Uživajte u preko 10 pogodnosti uključujući:

Pokrivanje za neujednačen ten*
Priprema kožu za sledeće korake šminkanja kao što je konturisanje
Poboljšava izgled pora*
Poboljšava tonus kože*
Vidljivo revitalizira kožu*
Otporan na znoj*
Sadrži Hidra Multi-Core kompleks za smirenje, negu i zaštitu od zagađenja
SPF 30
Osvetljava za besprekoran, blistav ten*
Pruža celodnevnu hidrataciju*
I još!
Postignite završnu obradu bez pora koja minimizira pore i prikriva mrlje*
Nema potrebe za popravkama tokom dana sa dugotrajnim mat efektom i ujednačenim tenom*
Uživajte u njegovoj laganoj teksturi koja efikasno prikriva nesavršenosti kože, pružajući prirodan mat izgled*.

Moja recenzija:

Sigurna sam da svi oni koji vole tonirane kreme jedva čekaju da pročitaju ocenu ovog proizvoda. 🙂

Pa da počnemo kao i uvek sa osnovnim informacijama o ovoj kremi.

Krema dolazi u pakovanju od 30 ml, cena je oko 15 EUR, i dostupna je za kupovinu poručivanjem iz Oriflame kataloga ili direktno preko njihovog sajta.

S obzirom da ja nemam problematičnu kožu, skoro nikada ne koristim pudere, uvek biram neke laganije tonirane kreme, da ujednačim ten i postignem matirajući efekat.

Ova krema je namenjena kombinovanoj i masnoj koži.

Lagane je teksture i lako se nanosi na lice.

U ponudi su četiri nijanse, ja sam izabrala Ivory Warm koja savršeno odgovara za moj svetli ten.

Možete videti na slici da je nakon nanošenja ove kreme moj ten ujednačen, za nijansu tamniji, i koža izgleda hidrirano i blistavo.

Oriflame A-Z Hydra Matte može da se nosi i leti i zimi, leti je još više preporučujem jer u sebi sadrži SPF 30 što će zaštiti vašu kožu od štetnih UV zraka.

Jedina mana koju sam primetila kod ovog proizvoda je to što mat efekat prestaje nakon 4-5 sati, pa je potrebno staviti puder u kamenu u zoni gde vam se lice masti, kod mene je to takozvana T zona(čelo i nos).

Jako sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodom i preporučujem ga svima da isprobaju.

Ako ste probali ovaj proizvod možete da podelite vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

Možete da pročitate i moju recenziju o mat puderu koji mi se mnogo dopao a to je Maybelline Fit Me Matte Foundation 105.

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