How to Achieve a Professional Manicure with RIMMEL SUPER GEL Nail Polish- 091 English Rose

RIMMEL SUPER GEL nail polish

Briefly about the product RIMMEL SUPER GEL nail polish – 091 English rose:

RIMMEL SUPER GEL nail polish – Seeking the ideal gel manicure you can achieve at home? Look no further than Rimmel London Super Gel Nail Polish for a glossy, chip-resistant, and long-lasting gel nail appearance. No UV light is needed, it’s effortlessly applied and can last up to 14 days.

When you’re ready for a color change, removing Super Gel is as easy as regular nail polish. Just use a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover on painted nails to switch to a new shade.

My review:

I’m sure you can’t wait to read the review of this polish and see if it really is as fantastic as the manufacturer described it.

For a long time, I have been looking for a nail polish that will last at least 7 days on my nails. I tried the Catrice gel polish, about which you can read the review I wrote recently. It’s really good, it stays on my nails for about 4 to 5 days, but I needed something even better.

After reading that Rimmel Super gel lasts on the nails for 14 days, I decided to buy it and test if it really is so.

The package comes with 12 ml of the product, its price is around 4 EUR, and it can be found in all well-equipped drugstores.

The brush is wide, which allows for easy and precise application.

I am delighted with this product because it gives a high shine to the nails and they look like you got them done at the salon.

Durability, as stated by the manufacturer, is about 14 days.

The only downside to this shade of polish is that it’s poorly pigmented, so you need to apply three coats for the color to be noticeable, and it takes a long time to dry.

Next time I will try a different shade to see if it is more pigmented.

I wholeheartedly recommend this polish to anyone who, like me, likes to do their nails at home. 🙂

I’ll be back soon with a new review.

If you have tried some other shades of this polish, you can share your experiences in the comments. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu RIMMEL SUPER GEL nail polish – 091 English rose:

RIMMEL SUPER GEL nail polish – Tražite idealan gel manikir koji možete postići kod kuće? Ne tražite dalje od Rimmel London Super gel laka za nokte za sjajan, otporan na struganje i dugotrajan izgled gel noktiju. Nije potrebno UV svetlo, nanosi se bez napora i može da traje do 14 dana.

Kada ste spremni za promenu boje, uklanjanje Super Gela je lako kao i običan lak za nokte. Samo koristite pamučnu podlogu natopljenu sredstvom za uklanjanje laka na lakiranim noktima da biste prešli na novu nijansu.

Moja recenzija:

Sigurna sam da jedva čekate da pročitate recenziju ovog laka i da se uverite da li je zaista toliko fantastičan kao što ga je proizvođač opisao.

Već duže vreme sam u potrazi za lakom koji će na mojim noktima da traje barem 7 dana. Probala sam Catrice gel lak o kome možete pročitati recenziju koju sam nedavno napisala. On je zaista dobar, zadržava se na noktima oko 4-5 dana, ali mi je trebalo nešto još bolje.

Pročitavši da Rimmel super gel traje na noktima 14 dana, odlučila sam da ga kupim i testiram da li je zaista tako.

U pakovanju dolazi 12 ml proizvoda, cena mu je oko 4 EUR, i može se pronaći u svim bolje opremljenim drogerijama.

Četkica je široka što omogućava lako i precizno nanošenje.

Oduševljena sam ovim proizvodom jer daje visok sjaj noktima i izgledaju kao da ste ih uradili u salonu.

Trajnost je kao što je proizvođač naveo oko 14 dana.

Jedina mana kod ove nijanse laka je to što je slabo pigmentisan, tako da je potrebno naneti tri sloja da bi se boja lepo primetila, i zahteva duže vreme za sušenje.

Sledeći put ću da isprobam drugu nijansu da proverim da li je bolje pigmentisana.

Od srca preporučujem ovaj lak svima koji poput mene vole sami da sređuju svoje nokte kod kuće. 🙂

Javljam se uskoro sa novom recenzijom.

Ako ste vi probale neke druge nijanase ovog laka, možete da podelite svoja iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

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