Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion

Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion

Briefly about the product Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion:

Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion – Here’s the secret to achieving clear, matte skin: Love Nature Face Lotion with Tea Tree and Lime. Crafted with organic tea tree essential oil and the powerful ingredient lime, this lotion is tailor-made for oily skin types.

Whether it’s day or night, this lotion provides lightweight hydration while effectively mattifying the skin, leaving it purified and free from shine, all while controlling excess sebum production. Plus, it’s infused with salicylic acid to address blemish-prone areas.

And that’s not all—this dermatologically tested formula is non-comedogenic and free from parabens, ensuring it won’t clog pores. And let’s not forget its beautiful floral-citrus scent, making it a delight to use.

My review:

Love Nature is my favorite Oriflame collection because the products are made from over 90% natural ingredients and do not contain parabens.

This lotion is intended exclusively for oily skin because it controls excess sebum, mattifies the skin, and lightly hydrates it.

The package contains 50 ml of product, the price is around 7 EUR.

Since it is made of plastic, it is also suitable for travel. 🙂

The texture of this lotion is light, slightly greasy, and light green in color.

You need to be careful when applying it because the skin absorbs it a little harder, so in order not to have white marks on your face, I advise you to dose it a little at a time.

When the skin absorbs it after 2-3 minutes, the face becomes matte and lightly hydrated, and it smells beautifully of citrus and nature.

It can be used both for day and night use. I use it in the daytime version because at night I need a cream that provides more hydration.

My advice is to use it as a primer before applying foundation.

I am delighted with how long this lotion keeps oil under control, my face stays matte and shine-free all day.

If you also have oily skin, you can try this product, and if you have already tried it, write me your impressions in the comments. 🙂

Also, if you like the Oriflame Love Nature collection, you can read my review of the face mask with verbena by clicking here.

Šta proizvođač kaže o Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion:

Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion – Evo tajne za postizanje čiste, mat kože: Love Nature losion za lice sa čajevcem i limetom. Napravljen od organskog eteričnog ulja čajevca i moćnog sastojka limete, ovaj losion je skrojen za masnu kožu.

Bilo da je dan ili noć, ovaj losion pruža laganu hidrataciju dok efikasno matira kožu, ostavljajući je pročišćenom i bez sjaja, a sve to uz kontrolu viška proizvodnje sebuma. Osim toga, obogaćen je salicatnom kiselinom kako bi se pozabavila područjima sklona flekama.

I to nije sve – ova dermatološki testirana formula je nekomedogena i ne sadrži parabene, čime se osigurava da neće začepiti pore. I ne zaboravimo njegov prelep cvetno-citrusni miris, što ga čini uživanjem za korišćenje.

Moja recenzija:

Love Nature je moja omiljena Oriflame kolekcija jer su proizvodi napravljeni od preko 90% prirodnih sastojka i ne sadrže parabene.

Ovaj losion namenjen je isključivo masnoj koži jer kontroliše višak sebuma, matira kožu i lagano je hidrira.

Pakovanje sadrži 50 ml proizvoda, cena je oko 7 EUR.

S obzirom da je napravljeno od plastike pogodno je i za putovanja. 🙂

Tekstura ovog losiona je lagana, pomalo masna i svetlo zelene boje.

Treba biti pažjiv prilikom nanošenja jer ga koža malo teže upija, pa da ne biste imali bele tragove na licu savetujem da se dozira po malo.

Kada ga koža upije nakon 2-3 minuta lice postaje matirano i lagano hidrirano, i miriše prelepo na citruse i prirodu.

Može da se koristi i za dnevnu i noćnu upotrebu. Ja ga koristim u dnevnoj varijanti jer mi noću treba krema koja pruža veću hidrataciju.

Moj savet je da se koristi kao prajmer pre stavljanja pudera.

Oduševljena sam koliko dugo ovaj losion drži masnoću pod kontrolom, ceo dan mi lice ostane matirano i bez prosijavanja.

Ukoliko i vi imate masnu kožu možete da probate ovaj proizvod, a ukoliko ste ga već isprobali pišite mi u komentarima vaše utiske. 🙂

Takođe, ukoliko volite Oriflame Love Nature kolekciju možete da pročitate moju recenziju o masci za lice sa verbenom klikom ovde.

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