Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask with upcycled verbena

Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask

Briefly about the product Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask with upcycled verbena:

Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask – Cleanse Your Skin with Upcycled Ingredients!

Indulge in clearer skin with our luxurious cream mask featuring organic upcycled verbena water, sourced from the Love Nature Upcycled collection!

This luscious formula purifies and diminishes excess oil, leaving your skin with a matte finish and reduced oiliness. It can seamlessly integrate into any skincare routine as a calming treatment or used independently.

Enjoy the refreshing, fruity aroma that you’ll adore!

My review:

I love Oriflame Love nature face masks. Primarily because they do not contain silicones and parabens and consist of 95% ingredients of natural origin.

The mask comes in a 30ml package, the price is around 3 EUR.

The texture is very liquid, light green in color, easy to apply on the face and smells refreshing.

It is used by placing it on previously cleaned skin, holding it for ten minutes and then washing it off with water.

The manufacturer states that Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask is intended for oily skin types, but it is mild, does not dry out the skin, so even those with dry skin can use it.

After use, impurities and excess fat are removed, the face looks fresh and matte.

I use this Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask once or twice a week and I am very satisfied.

If you have tried this mask, you can write your experiences in the comments. 🙂

You can also try two products from the Love nature collection that are just as good as this mask: Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion and Oriflame love nature hydrating face mask.

Ukratko o proizvodu Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask with upcycled verbena:

Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask – Očistite kožu prerađenim sastojcima!

Prepustite se čistijoj koži uz našu luksuznu kremastu masku koja sadrži organsku prerađenu vodu verbene, poreklom iz kolekcije Love Nature Upcicled!

Ova sočna formula pročišćava i umanjuje višak masnoće, ostavljajući vašoj koži mat finiš i smanjenu masnoću. Može se neprimetno integrisati u bilo koju rutinu nege kože kao umirujući tretman ili koristiti samostalno.

Uživajte u osvežavajućoj, voćnoj aromi koju ćete obožavati!

Moja recenzija:

Oriflame Love nature maske za lice obožavam. Prvenstveno zbog toga što ne sadrže silikone i parabene a sastoje se od 95% sastojaka prirodnog porekla.

Maska dolazi u pakovanju od 30ml, cena je oko 3 EUR.

Tekstura je jako tečna, svetlo zelene boje, lako se nanosi na lice i miriše osvežavajuće.

Koristi se tako što se stavlja na prethodno očišćenu kožu, drži desetak minuta i nakon toga ispere vodom.

Proizvođač navodi da je Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask namenjena masnom tipu kože, ali je blaga, ne isušuje kožu tako da mogu da je koriste i oni sa suvom kožom.

Nakon upotrebe uklonjene su nečistoće i suvišna masnoća, lice deluje sveže i matirano.

Ovu Oriflame Love Nature clarifying face mask masku koristim jednom ili dva puta sedmično i veoma sam zadovoljna.

Ako ste i vi isprobali ovu masku možete da pišete vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

Takođe možete da isprobate i dva proizvoda iz Love nature kolekcije koji su podjednako dobri kao ova maska a to su Oriflame Love Nature mattifying face lotion i Oriflame love nature hydrating face mask.

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