Get the Epic And Easy Line Matte Lip Look with Loreal Paris Colour Riche Intense Volume Matte Lipstick

Loreal Paris Colour Riche

Briefly about the product Loreal Paris Colour Riche Intense Volume Matte Lipstick, le nude independent 640:

The new LOREAL PARIS Colour Riche Intense Volume Matte 640 Nude Independence is a groundbreaking matte lipstick that not only provides intense color but also adds volume and long-lasting wear for up to 16 hours.

Enriched with hyaluronic acid and argan oil, its formula hydrates the lips, leaving them exceptionally soft. Experience a comfortable and sensual sensation on your lips throughout the day with LOREAL PARIS Color Riche Intense Volume Matte 640 Nude Independence.

My review:

A novelty from LOREAL that recently appeared in drugstores. Considering that LOREAL is one of my favorite drugstore brands, as soon as I saw that they released a new product, I had to try it.

The product comes in a luxurious black matte packaging of 1.8 g, and the price is around 12 EUR.

There are 12 intense shades on offer, I decided on the 640 nude independent because I prefer nude and brown shades.

You can see how it looks on my lips in the picture.

I can confirm that the color is really intense, the lips are soft and hydrated thanks to the hyaluronic acid and argan oil, but the staying power is not at an enviable level, it lasts about 3-4 hours on my lips. If you consume food or drink it will go down even faster.

I would not repeat the purchase because I think that for this price you can buy a much better quality lipstick.

Have you tried this lipstick and what are your impressions? You can leave a comment below the post. 🙂

If you like matte lipsticks, you can read my review of Maybelline Super Stay matte ink 80.

Ukratko o proizvodu Loreal Paris Colour Riche Intense Volume Matte Lipstick, le nude independant 640:

Novi LOREAL PARIS Colour Riche Intense Volume Mat 640 Nude Independence je revolucionarni mat ruž koji ne samo da daje intenzivnu boju već i dodaje volumen i dugotrajno nošenje do 16 sati.

Obogaćena hijaluronskom kiselinom i arganovim uljem, njegova formula hidrira usne, čineći ih izuzetno mekim. Doživite ugodan i senzualan osećaj na svojim usnama tokom celog dana uz LOREAL PARIS Color Riche Intense Volume Mat 640 Nude Independence.

Moja recenzija:

Jedan novitet od LOREAL-a koji se nedavano pojavio u drogerijama. S obzirom na to da mi je LOREAL jedan od omiljenih drogerijskih brendova čim sam videla da su izbacili novi proizvod morala sam da ga isprobam.

Proizvod dolazi u luksuznom crnom matte pakovanju od 1,8 gr, i cena je oko 12 EUR.

U ponudi je 12 intenzivnih nijansi, ja sam se odlučila za 640-le nude independant, jer preferiram nude i braon nijanse.

Na slici možete da vidite kako izgleda na mojim usnama.

Mogu da potvrdim da je boja zaista intenzivna, usne su mekane i hidrirane zahvaljući hijaluronskoj kiselini i arganovom ulju, ali postojanost nije na zavidnom nivou, na mojim usnama traje oko 3-4 sata. Ako konzumirate hranu ili piće još brže će da spadne.

Ne bih ponovila kupovinu iz razloga što smatram da za ovu cenu može da se kupi mnogo kvalitetniji ruž.

Da li ste isprobali ovaj ruž i kakvi su vaši utisci? Možete da ostavite komentar ispod posta. 🙂

Ukoliko volite mat ruževe možete pročitati moju recenziju o Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink 80.

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