Transform Your Look with stunning Golden Rose City Style Mascara

City Style Mascara

Briefly about the product Golden Rose City Style Mascara:

Golden Rose City Style Mascara – The innovative formula of this product provides eyelashes with mega volume and length.

Its double-sided flexible brush is designed to curl and separate lashes, delivering incredible volume and a bold black color.

My review:

Mascara comes in a package of 9 ml, and the price is around 3 EUR.

It can be bought in all well-equipped drugstores, I usually pick it up in the Lilly store.

Since I was very satisfied with the Golden Rose Cat Walk mascara, I decided to try this one as well.

The brush is rubber with combs that nicely separate the eyelashes and give them volume.

Like the Cat Walk mascara, this one has a quality texture, it doesn’t smudge all day.

It gives my lashes solid volume but doesn’t lengthen them much.

I recommend it for the daily variant and for those who do not want to have exaggerated eyelashes.

Since I’m the type of woman who likes her eyelashes to be long and prominent, I prefer the Golden Rose Cat Walk mascara, and you can read her review by clicking here.

The price-quality ratio is really fantastic.

What I especially like about Golden Rose mascaras is that they are sold packaged in a protective foil so you can be sure that no one has opened them before you.

If you have tried this product, you can share your experiences in the comments. 🙂

You can also read about my experience with two Loreal Paris mascaras that I love: LOREAL PARIS AIR VOLUME 30H MEGA BLACK MASCARA and Loreal Paris Panorama mascara.

Ukratko o proizvodu Golden Rose City Style Mascara:

Inovativna formula ovog proizvoda daje trepavicama mega volumen i dužinu.

Njena dvostrana fleksibilna četkica je dizajnirana da uvija i razdvaja trepavice, pružajući neverovatan volumen i smelu crnu boju.

Moja recenzija:

Maskara dolazi u pakovanju od 9ml, i cena je oko 3 EUR.

Može da se kupi u svim bolje opremljenim drogerijama, ja je obično uzimam u Lilly radnji.

Pošto sam bila prezadovoljna Golden Rose Cat Walk maskarom odlučila sam da isprobam i ovu.

Četkica je gumena sa češljićima koji lepo razdvoje trepavice i daju im volumen.

Kao i Cat Walk maskara i ova ima kvalitetnu teksturu, ne razmazuje se i ne trusi ceo dan.

Mojim trepavicama daje solidan volumen ali ih ne izdužuje mnogo.

Preporučujem je za dnevnu varijantu i za one koji ne žele da imaju prenaglašene trepavice.

S obzirom da sam ja tip žene koji obožava da su trepavice istaknute i dugačke, meni više odgovara Golden Rose Cat Walk maskara, a njenu recenziju možete pročitati klikom ovde.

Odnos cene i kvaliteta je zaista fantastičan.

Ono što mi se posebno sviđa kod Golden Rose maskara je što se prodaju upakovane u zaštitnu foliju tako da ste sigurni da je niko pre vas nije otvarao.

Ako ste isprobale ovaj proizvod možete da podelite vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

Možete pročitati i moje iskustvo o dve Lorel Paris maskare koje obožavam a to su : LOREAL PARIS AIR VOLUME 30H MEGA BLACK MASCARA i Loreal Paris Panorama mascara .

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