Make Yourself Beautiful In Any Situation With Excellent GIORDANI GOLD ICONIC LIP ELIXIR Ruby Red Oriflame


Briefly about the product GIORDANI GOLD ICONIC LIP ELIXIR Ruby Red Oriflame:

The revolutionary GIORDANI GOLD ICONIC LIP ELIXIR undergoes a remarkable transformation on your lips, transitioning from a liquid to a matte finish, imparting a sensual and exceptionally sophisticated appearance. Its distinctive elixir-like formulation, enriched with oily textures, prolongs the durability and vibrancy of the pigments, guaranteeing a flawless look that lasts all day.

Enriched with the renowned benefits of argan oil, it delivers a luxuriously indulgent sensation. Apply any of the 8 available shades with precision and experience a transformative moment for your lips.

My review:

The product description in the catalog sounds really tempting, so I decided to give it a try.

The package comes with 3.5 ml, its price is around 10 EUR.

Its texture is liquid, but when applied on the lips it turns into a matte.

I have to admit that I am disappointed with this product, I expected much more.

First of all, the color is not the same as in the catalog, it is much darker.

Second, the staying power is very poor, it smears and disappears quickly from the lips.

Thirdly, the lips feel dry, even though the lipstick contains argan oil that should hydrate them.

You can see how it looks on my lips in the picture.

I would not buy this product again because I think that you can buy a much better lipstick for about the same price, for example Loreal Paris Color Riche Intense Volume Matte Lipstick, whose review you can read by clicking here.

Have you tried this product? If so, you can write your experiences in the comments. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu GIORDANI GOLD ICONIC LIP ELIXIR Ruby Red Oriflame:

Revolucionarni ELIKSIR GIORDANI GOLD ICONIC LIP ELIKSIR prolazi kroz izuzetnu transformaciju na vašim usnama, prelazeći iz tečnog u mat finiš, dajući im senzualan i izuzetno sofisticiran izgled. Njegova prepoznatljiva formula nalik eliksiru, obogaćena uljnim teksturama, produžava trajnost i živost pigmenata, garantujući besprekoran izgled koji traje ceo dan.

Obogaćen poznatim blagodetima arganovog ulja, pruža luksuznu senzaciju. Precizno nanesite bilo koju od 8 dostupnih nijansi i doživite trenutak transformacije za svoje usne.

Moja recenzija:

Opis proizvoda u katalogu zvuči zaista primamljivo, pa sam odlučila da ga isprobam.

U pakovanju dolazi 3,5 ml, cena mu je oko 10 EUR.

Tekstura mu je tečna, ali  kada se nanese na usne pretvara se u mat.

Moram priznati da sam razočarana ovim proizvodom, očekivala sam mnogo više.

Kao prvo, boja nije ista kao u katalogu, dosta je tamnija.

Kao drugo postojanost je jako loša, razmazuje se i nestaje brzo sa usana.

Kao treće, usne deluju isušeno, iako ruž sadrži arganovo ulje koje bi trebalo da ih hidrira.

Na slici možete da vidite kako izgleda na  mojim usanama.

Ne bih ponovila kupovinu ovog proizvoda jer smatram da se može  kupiti dosta kvalitetniji ruž za približno istu cenu, na primer Loreal Paris Colour Riche Intense Volume Matte Lipstick čiju recenziju možete pročitati klikom ovde.

Da li ste vi isprobale ovaj proizvod? Ukoliko jeste možete da napišete vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

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