Velnea Magic Lip Scrub – You Won’t Believe the Results!

Velnea magic lip scrub

Briefly about the product Velnea Magic lip scrub:

Velnea Magic Lip Scrub offers a luxurious solution for deeply caring for your lips, leaving them feeling juicy and soft. Its rich moisturizing formula works to nourish and rejuvenate the delicate skin of the lips.

To use the product, start by cleaning your lips. Then, apply the scrub evenly onto your lips. Gently massage the scrub onto your lips for approximately 30 seconds or until you notice the color of the scrub changing.

Once done, rinse off the scrub particles with water or gently remove them with a tissue. This simple process helps to exfoliate and moisturize your lips, leaving them feeling refreshed and revitalized.

My review:

Velnea Magic lip scrub – the first product of this type that I tried. I have never used a lip scrub before, and you will read about my experience below.

It comes in a 15 ml package, the price is around 2.5 EUR.

The texture is liquid, like a lip gloss, only with the addition of tiny exfoliating particles.

It smells like children’s chewing gum with some fruity taste (reminds me of raspberry).

It is used by spreading it on the lips and then massaging it for 30 seconds until it completely changes color to orange.

When it changes color to orange, you can leave it on for 2-3 minutes (that’s what I do) and then wash it off with water or wipe it off with a tissue.

It’s really interesting and magical when the color changes on your lips, you’ll feel like a child playing for a moment 🙂

As for the effect of this Velnea lip scrub, your lips will look more beautiful and hydrated after use, with dead cells removed from their surface.

It is enough to exfoliate once or twice a week.

If you have tried this magical peeling, you can write your experiences in the comments. 🙂

Two lip care products that I use and recommend you try are: Raspberry Multipurpose Balm Oriflame and CATRICE POWER FULL 5 LIP CARE 030 – Sweet Cherry

Ukratko o proizvodu Velnea magic lip scrub:

Velnea Magic Lip Scrub nudi luksuzno rešenje za dubinsku negu vaših usana, ostavljajući ih sočnim i mekim. Njegova bogata hidratantna formula radi na ishrani i podmlađivanju delikatne kože usana.

Da biste koristili proizvod, počnite sa čišćenjem usana. Zatim ravnomerno nanesite piling na usne. Nežno umasirajte piling na usne oko 30 sekundi ili dok ne primetite da se boja pilinga menja.

Kada završite, isperite čestice pilinga vodom ili ih nežno uklonite maramicom. Ovaj jednostavan proces pomaže u pilingu i vlaženju vaših usana, ostavljajući ih osveženim i revitalizovanim.

Moja recenzija:

Velnea magic lip scrub – prvi proizvod ovog tipa koji sam isprobala. Nikada ranije nisam koristila piling za usne a kakvo je moje iskustvo pročitaćete u nastavku teksta.

Dolazi u pakovanju od 15 ml, cena je oko 2,5 EUR.

Tekstura je tečna, kao kod sjaja za usne samo sa dodatkom sitnih čestica za piling.

Miriše na dečije žvake sa nekim voćnim ukusom (mene podseća na malinu).

Koristi se tako što se namaže na usne, a potom se masira 30 sekundi dok skroz ne promeni boju u naranžastu.

Kada promeni boju u narandžastu možete da ga ostavite da odstoji 2-3 minuta( ja tako radim) i zatim isperete vodom ili obrišete maramicom.

Stvarno je zanimljivo i magično kada se promeni boja na usnama, na trenutak ćete se osetiti kao dete koje se igra 🙂

Što se tiče dejstva ovog Velnea pilinga za usne, vaše usne će nakon upotrebe izgledati lepše i hidrirano, sa uklonjenim mrtvim ćelijama sa njihove površine.

Dovoljno je da uradite piling jednom ili dva puta sedmično.

Ukoliko ste isprobali ovaj magični piling možete da pišete vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

Dva proizvoda za negu usana koje ja koristim i preporučujem da probate su : Raspberry Multipurpose Balm Oriflame i CATRICE POWER FULL 5 LIP CARE 030 – Sweet Cherry

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