Everything you need to know about Garnier Vitamin C Daily UV Brightening Fluid

garnier vitamin c daily uv

Briefly about the product Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid:

Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid – The skin is more radiant and protected from UVB and UVA rays to reduce the appearance of dark spots. This cream does not leave a white mark and does not leave a greasy and sticky feeling on the skin. It is recommended to use in the morning as a moisturizer or over a day cream before makeup. It is warned that excessive exposure to the sun is a serious threat to health.

My review:

When Garnier started releasing new products from the collection with vitamin C, I wanted a product that would contain UV protection in addition to vitamin C, because summer is coming and it is necessary to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Andddd guess what? 🙂 Garnier fulfilled my wish and launched a new product exactly as I imagined, which is Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid.

It comes in a 40 ml tube, the price is around 11 EUR.

The texture of this product is very light, and skin-colored, with a mild refreshing scent.

It is applied to previously cleansed skin and rubbed in with the fingers like a face cream.

After application, the complexion is even, the color blends nicely with the face, slightly conceals pores and imperfections like a BB cream, and makes the skin radiant.

What is especially important to me as I have a fair complexion is that it contains SPF 50+, which ensures that my skin will not burn even in very strong sunlight.

The only drawback of this product is that the face looks greasy, especially on the forehead. My face gets a lot of oil in the T-zone, so with this cream, it looks even oilier.

But that problem can be solved by applying a little powder in stone over it to keep oil under control and mattify the face. I use RIMMEL STAY MATTE powder in stone.

If you have tried Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid, you can write me your impressions in the comments, and if you haven’t, I recommend that you try it. 🙂

Please keep visiting the blog as there will be many new reviews coming soon. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid:

Koža je blistavija i zaštićena od UVB i UVA zraka kako bi se smanjio nastanak tamnih fleka. Ova krema ne ostavlja beli trag i ne ostavlja osećaj masnoće i lepljivosti na koži. Preporučuje se korišćenje ujutru kao hidratantne kreme ili preko dnevne kreme pre šminkanja. Upozorava se da je prekomerno izlaganje suncu ozbiljna pretnja po zdravlje.

Moja recenzija:

Kada je Garnier počeo da izbacuje nove proizvode iz kolekcije sa vitaminom C, poželela sam da se pojavi neki proizvod koji će pored vitamina C da sadrži i UV zaštitu jer stiže leto i potrebno je zašititi kožu od štetnih UV zraka. Iiiii pogodite šta? 🙂 Garnier mi je ispunio želju i lansirao novi proizvod baš onakav kakav sam zamislila a to je Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid.

Dolazi u tubi od 40 ml, cena je oko 11 EUR.

Tekstura ovog proizvoda je veoma lagana, u boji kože, blagog osvežavajućeg mirisa.

Nanosi se na prethodno očišćenu kožu, utrlja se prstima kao krema za lice.

Nakon nanošenja, ten je ujednačen, boja se lepo stopi sa licem, blago prikriva pore i nesavršenosti poput BB kreme i čini kožu blistavom.

Ono što je meni posebno važno jer imam svetao ten jeste da sadrži zaštitni faktor 50+, što osigurava da moja koža neće izgoreti ni na veoma jakom suncu.

Jedina mana ovog proizvoda je što lice deluje masno, naročito po čelu. Meni se lice u T zoni mnogo masti, tako da sa ovom kremom deluje još masnije.

Ali taj problem može da se reši tako što se preko nje nanese malo pudera u kamenu da drži masnoću pod kontrolom i matira lice. Ja koristim RIMMEL STAY MATTE puder u kamenu.

Ukoliko ste probali Garnier vitamin C daily UV brightening fluid možete da mi pišete vaše utiske u komentarima, a ukoliko niste preporučujem da isprobate. 🙂

Nastavite i dalje da posećujete blog jer vas uskoro očekuje mnogo novih recenzija. 🙂

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