dmBio coconut oil: Your Ultimate Hair and Skin Savior!

dmBio coconut oil

Briefly about the product dmBio coconut oil:

dmBio coconut oil – The cold-pressed coconut oil offered by dmBio is ideal for vegan recipes, as it is completely of plant origin. It is produced organically, which means it is grown without artificial chemicals and pesticides. With an energy value of 828 kcal per 100 ml, this oil is rich in calories and can provide the energy needed for activities during the day.

This oil has a mild coconut flavor that adds to the flavor of the dish. Thanks to its firm texture up to 25°C, it is suitable for a wide range of culinary techniques, including baking, boiling, and frying. Being cold- pressed, it retains most of its nutritional properties.

Coconut oil is one of the most popular ingredients in the cosmetics industry due to its many benefits for skin and hair:

Skin hydration: Coconut oil penetrates deep into the skin and provides intense hydration. It is rich in fatty acids that help maintain skin moisture, making it soft, smooth, and shiny.

Antimicrobial properties: Ingredients in coconut oil, like lauric acid, have antimicrobial properties that help fight bacteria, fungi, and viruses on the skin. This can help treat acne and other skin infections.

Soothes irritations: Coconut oil has a soothing effect on the skin and can help reduce irritations, redness, and itching. It is ideal for treating dry, sensitive, or sunburned skin.

Antioxidant protection: Coconut oil contains antioxidants that help protect the skin from free radicals and premature aging. Regular use can help keep skin looking youthful.

Hair regeneration: Coconut oil penetrates deeply into the hair shaft, nourishing and strengthening it from root to tip. It helps restore damaged hair, reduce breakage, and prevent split ends. It can also add shine and softness to the hair.

Makeup Remover: Coconut oil can be an effective natural makeup remover. It is gentle on the skin and effectively removes waterproof make-up without irritation.

My review:

I’m sure most of you have used coconut oil at some point either in your diet or for hair or face care.

But it is also important what kind of oil you use because if it is not of good quality, you will not achieve the desired result.

This dmBio coconut oil is organic, which means it is completely natural, with no added chemicals.

I use this oil for hair and face care. I use it as a mask for my face, by first thoroughly washing my face with a washing gel Garnier Bio Detox Gel Wash Fresh Lemongrass then I spread a small amount of oil on my face and let it sit for about half an hour. After that, I wash my face again with a washing gel.

After use, my skin is soft, hydrated and nourished. It is enough to use it twice a week for facial care (although it is not harmful to use it more often if you have time). 🙂

As for hair care, I use it by applying the oil before washing (on the length of the hair, avoiding the threads), keeping it on the hair for about half an hour, and then washing it off with shampoo.

This coconut oil deeply nourishes my hair, so my hair is shiny, smooth, and easy to comb.

Many of you have probably read that you should keep the oil on your hair as long as possible or even spend the night with it. I once tried to keep it on during the night and it just backfired, my hair was completely dry. Therefore, it should be applied properly to achieve the desired result.

In addition to the fact that it is an organic product, the price of this oil is extremely affordable, around 3.5 EUR for 300 ml of product.

If you have tried this dmBio coconut oil, you can write me your impressions in the comments. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu dmBio coconut oil:

dmBio coconut oil – Hladno ceđeno kokosovo ulje koje nudi dmBio je idealno za veganske recepte, jer je potpuno biljnog porekla. Proizvedeno je organski, što znači da je uzgajano bez upotrebe veštačkih hemikalija i pesticida. Sa energetskom vrednošću od 828 kcal na 100 ml, ovo ulje je bogato kalorijama i može pružiti energiju potrebnu za aktivnosti tokom dana.

Ovo ulje poseduje blagu aromu kokosa koja doprinosi ukusu jela. Zahvaljujući svojoj čvrstoj teksturi do 25°C, pogodno je za širok spektar kulinarskih tehnika, uključujući pečenje, kuvanje i prženje. Budući da je hladno ceđeno, zadržava veći deo svojih hranljivih svojstava.

Kokosovo ulje je jedan od najpopularnijih sastojaka u kozmetičkoj industriji zbog svojih brojnih blagodeti za kožu i kosu:

Hidratacija kože: Kokosovo ulje duboko prodire u kožu i pruža intenzivnu hidrataciju. Bogato je masnim kiselinama koje pomažu u održavanju vlažnosti kože, čineći je mekom, glatkom i sjajnom.

Antimikrobna svojstva: Sastojci u kokosovom ulju, poput laurinske kiseline, imaju antimikrobna svojstva koja pomažu u borbi protiv bakterija, gljivica i virusa na koži. Ovo može pomoći u lečenju akni i drugih kožnih infekcija.

Smirivanje iritacija: Kokosovo ulje ima umirujući efekat na kožu i može pomoći u smanjenju iritacija, crvenila i svraba. Idealan je za tretiranje suve, osetljive kože ili kože koja je izložena sunčevim opekotinama.

Antioksidativna zaštita: Kokosovo ulje sadrži antioksidante koji pomažu u zaštiti kože od slobodnih radikala i prevremenog starenja. Redovna upotreba može pomoći u održavanju mladalačkog izgleda kože.

Regeneracija kose: Kokosovo ulje dubinski prodire u dlaku kose, hraneći je i jačajući od korena do vrhova. Pomaže u obnavljanju oštećene kose, smanjenju lomljenja i prevenciji ispucalih vrhova. Takođe može dodati sjaj i mekoću kosi.

Uklanjanje šminke: Kokosovo ulje može biti efikasan prirodni sredstvo za uklanjanje šminke. Blago je za kožu i efikasno uklanja vodootpornu šminku bez iritacije.

Moja recenzija:

Sigurna sam da je većina vas u nekom trenutku upotrebljavala kokosovo ulje ili u ishrani ili za negu kose ili lica.

Ali bitno je i kakvo ulje koristite, jer ako nije kvalitetno nećete postići željeni rezultat.

Ovo dmBio kokosovo ulje je organsko, što znači da je potpuno prirodno, bez dodatih hemikalija.

Ja koristim ovo ulje za negu kose i lica. Za lice ga koristim kao masku, tako što prvo dubinski operem lice gelom za umivanje Garnier Bio Detox Gel Wash Fresh Lemongrass, potom namažem manju količinu ulja po licu i ostavim da odstoji oko pola sata. Nakon toga ponovo operem lice umivalicom.

Posle upotrebe moja koža je mekana, hidrirana i negovana. Dovoljno je dva puta sedmično da se koristi za negu lica(mada nije štetno ni češće ukoliko imate vremena). 🙂

Što se tiče nege kose, koristim ga tako što nanesem ulje pre pranja(na dužinu kose, izbegavam teme), držim ga na kosi oko pola sata i potom isperem šamponom.

Ovo kokosovo ulje dubinski hrani i neguje kosu, tako da mi je kosa posle njega sjajna, zaglađena i lako se raščešljava.

Verovatno su mnogi od vas čitali da je ulje potrebno držati što je moguće duže na kosi ili čak prenoćiti sa njim. Jednom sam isprobala da ga držim tokom noći i samo sam postigla kontraefekat, kosa mi se skroz isušila. Dakle, treba ga pravilno primeniti kako bi se postigao zeljeni rezultat.

Pored činjenice da se radi o organskom proizvodu, cena ovog ulja je izuzetno pristučna, oko 3,5 EUR za 300 ml proizvoda.

Ako ste probali ovo dmBio coconut oil možete da mi pišete vaše utiske u komentarima. 🙂

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