What you need to know about the Catrice Matt Pro Ink 030?

Catrice matt pro ink
Catrice matt pro ink

Briefly about the product Catrice Matt Pro Ink 030:

Lasts up to 12 hours! The new super long-wearing Catrice Matt Pro Ink Liquid Lipstick, enriched with Moringa Butter, is perfect for enduring through a long day, whether it’s a meeting, lunchtime, or a yoga class.

Its liquid texture feels lightweight on the lips, drying quickly to leave a smooth, matte finish. This non-transfer liquid lipstick comes in a total of ten shades, ranging from nudes to vibrant spring and summer hues to timeless reds.

My review:

Another liquid matte lipstick that found its way into my collection… Those who have read my previous posts know that I love matte lipstick. 🙂

So let’s start slowly with the rating of this lipstick.

It comes in a 5 ml package, the price is around 5 EUR. In Serbia, it can be found in DM and Lilly drugstores.

It has a liquid texture, but when applied to the lips it quickly becomes matte.

The color is intense and stays on the lips for a long time, except when you eat, then it has to be reapplied (although the manufacturer stated that it will last during lunch, it is not so). 🙂

The downside of this lipstick is that it doesn’t hydrate the lips enough, so they look dry.

I would not repeat the purchase, because for the same price you can buy a better quality product, for example, the Golden Rose liquid matte lipstick proved to be excellent, and you can read its rating by clicking here.

If you have tried Catrice Matt Pro Ink liquid lipstick, you can write your experiences in the comments, maybe someone has a more positive experience than me and these lipsticks suit them. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu Catrice matt pro ink 030:

Traje do 12 sati! Novi super dugotrajni Catrice Matt Pro Ink tečni ruž za usne, obogaćen Moringa puterom, savršen je za trajanje tokom dugog dana, bilo da je u pitanju sastanak, ručak ili čas joge.

Njegova tečna tekstura je lagana na usnama, brzo se suši i ostavlja glatku, mat završnicu. Ovaj tečni ruž za usne koji se ne prenosi dolazi u ukupno deset nijansi, u rasponu od nude prolećnih i letnjih nijansi do bezvremenskih crvenih.

Moja recenzija:

Još jedan tečni mat ruž koji se pronašao u mojoj kolekciji… Oni koji su čitali moje ranije objave znaju da obožavam mat ruževe. 🙂

Pa da krenemo polako sa ocenom ovog ruža.

Dolazi u pakovanju od 5 ml, cena je oko 5 EUR. U Srbiji može da se pronađe u DM i Lilly drogerijama.

Tečne je teksture, ali kada se nanese na usne brzo postaje mat.

Boja je intenzivna i dugo se zadržava na usnama, osim u slučaju kada jedete, tada mora da se nanese ponovo(iako je proizvođač naveo da će izdržati za vreme ručka, nije baš tako). 🙂

Mana ovog ruža je što ne hidrira usne dovoljno, pa deluju isušeno.

Ne bih ponovila kupovinu, jer za istu cenu može da se kupi kvalitetniji proizvod, na primer Golden rose tečni mat ruž se pokazao odlično, a njegovu ocenu možete pročitati klikom ovde.

Ako ste probali Catrice matt pro ink tečni ruž, možete da napišete vaša iskustva u komentarima, možda neko ima pozitivnije iskutvo od mene i baš mu odgovaraju ovi ruževi. 🙂

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