You need to know how to Boost Hair Growth With GARNIER BOTANIC THERAPY Magnetic charcoal and black seed oil shampoo


Briefly about the product GARNIER BOTANIC THERAPY Magnetic charcoal and black seed oil shampoo:

GARNIER BOTANIC THERAPY Magnetic charcoal and black seed oil shampoo – The shampoo is designed for dry hair and easily oily scalp. Its purifying formula contains activated charcoal and hydrating black cumin oil, effectively removing excess sebum from the scalp while keeping the hair hydrated for up to 72 hours.

My review:

Since I love Garnier products a lot, it’s time to rate this new product.

There are two packages on offer, 250 ml and 400 ml, the price for the smaller package is around 3.5 EUR, and for the larger one around 5 EUR, so I always take the larger one because it pays off more.

The texture of the shampoo is very liquid and it is black  due to the activated charcoal it contains. Does not contain silicones. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product to create a nice lather and wash the hair thoroughly. I only shampooed her once.

As my hair is dry, and the ends are oily, this shampoo suits me perfectly, the hair is soft and hydrated after washing, it is easy to comb and, most importantly, it does not get greasy so quickly, it extends my hair washing by one day. And it smells beautiful. 🙂

An even better effect is achieved in combination with a mask from the same collection.

You can read the review about the mask by clicking here

I recommend everyone who has the same hair type as me to try it. 🙂

Write your impressions about the GARNIER BOTANIC THERAPY Magnetic charcoal and black seed oil

shampoo in the comments. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu GARNIER BOTANIC THERAPY Magnetic charcoal and black seed oil shampoo:

Šampon je dizajniran za suvu kosu i lako masnu kožu glave. Njegova formula za pročišćavanje sadrži aktivni ugalj i hidratantno ulje crnog kima, efikasno uklanjajući višak sebuma sa vlasišta dok održava kosu hidriranom do 72 sata.

Moja recenzija:

S obzirom da mnogo volim Garnier proizvode, na red je došla i ocena ovog noviteta.

U ponudi su dva pakovanja, od 250ml i 400 ml, cena za manje pakovanje je oko 3,5 EUR, a za veće oko 5 EUR, tako da ja uvek uzimam veće jer se više isplati.

Tekstura šampona je jako tečna i zbog aktivnog uglja koji sadži crne je boje. Ne sadrži silikone. Dovoljno je naneti malu količinu proizvoda da lepo zapeni i da se temeljno opere kosa. Ja je šamponiram samo jedanput.

Kako je moja kosa suva, a teme masno ovaj šampon mi idealno odgovara, kosa je mekana i hidrirana posle pranja, lako se raščešljava i što je najbitnije ne masti se tako brzo, produži mi pranje kose za jedan dan. I prelepo miriše. 🙂

Još bolji efekat se postiže u kombinaciji sa maskom iz iste kolekcije.

Recenziju o masci možete pročitati klikom ovde

Preporučujem svima koji imaju isti tip kose kao ja da isprobaju. 🙂

Pišite u komentarima vaše utiske o GARNIER BOTANIC THERAPY Magnetic charcoal and black seed oil šamponu. 🙂

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