Quickly Keep Your Look Fresh With BED HEAD TIGI MAKE IT LAST leave-in conditioner


Briefly about the product BED HEAD TIGI MAKE IT LAST leave-in conditioner:

BED HEAD TIGI MAKE IT LAST – This leave-in conditioner is designed to be left in the hair, offering a range of benefits. It works to regenerate and detangle the hair while leaving behind a pleasant scent. Additionally, the leave-in formula serves to protect the hair color, enhancing its vibrancy and adding a glossy shine.

My review:

I decided to try this product on the recommendation of my hairdresser.

The package comes with 200 ml, the price is around 20 EUR.

It is not available in drugstores, it can be ordered in hair salons or online.

The product can be applied to semi-dry or dry hair. I use it on dry hair.

Since the product is in a spray, it is enough to spray it in your hand 3-4 times and apply it from the middle of the hair to the ends.

It really achieves the effect that the manufacturer stated in the description, the hair instantly becomes shiny and soft to the touch and is easy to comb.

Packaging can last a very long time, about half a year.

The downside of this product is that it is quite expensive. Almost the same effect on hair is achieved with Garnier SOS repair leave-in conditioner and for a much lower price.

You can read my review for Garnier SOS repair leave in by clicking here.

The only advantage of Bed Head Tigi leave-in conditioner compared to Garnier SOS repair is that if more product is applied than needed, the hair will not be greasy, because it does not contain oils.

If someone has tried this product, they can write their experience in the comments. 🙂

I invite you to keep visiting the site as many new reviews await you soon. 🙂

Ukratko o proizvodu BED HEAD TIGI MAKE IT LAST leave-in conditioner:

Ovaj leave-in regenerator je dizajniran da se ostavi u kosi, nudeći niz prednosti. Radi na regeneraciji i raspetljavanju kose ostavljajući prijatan miris. Pored toga, leave-in formula služi za zaštitu boje kose, poboljšavajući njenu živost i dodajući neverovatan sjaj.

Moja recenzija:

Ovaj proizvod sam odlučila isprobati po preporuci moje frizerke.

U pakovanju dolazi 200 ml, cena je oko 20 EUR.

Nema ga u prodaji u drogerijama, može da se poruči u frizerskim salonima ili online.

Proizvod može da se nanese na polusuvu ili suvu kosu. Ja ga koristim na suvoj kosi.

Pošto je proizvod u spreju, dovoljno je prsnuti u ruku 3-4 puta i naneti ga od sredine kose ka krajevima.

Zaista se postiže efekat kakav je proivođač naveo u opisu, kosa u trenutku postaje sjajna i mekana na dodir i lako se raščešljava.

Pakovanje može da traje baš dugo, oko pola godine.

Mana ovog proizvoda je što je prilično skup. Skoro isti efekat na kosi se postiže i sa Garnier SOS repair leave-in regeneratorom, a za mnogo manju cenu.

Moju recenziju za Garnier SOS repair leave in možete pročitati klikom ovde.

Jedina prednost Bed head tigi leave in regeneratora u odnosu na Garnier SOS repair je ta što ako se nanese više proizvoda nego što treba kosa neće biti umašćena, jer ne sadrži ulja u sastavu.

Ukoliko je neko isprobao ovaj proizvod može da napiše svoje iskustvo u komentaru. 🙂

Pozivam vas da nastavite da posećujete sajt jer vas uskoro očekuje mnogo novih recenzija. 🙂

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