How To Maximize Your Skincare Results With Balea VITAMIN C face serum. This Will Make Your Skin Look Awesome Again

Balea VITAMIN C face serum

Briefly about the product Balea VITAMIN C face serum:

Balea VITAMIN C face serum acts as an antioxidant, nourishing and protecting the skin from harmful environmental factors while providing intensive hydration. It also tightens fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in visibly smoother skin. Balea VITAMIN C face serum will give you a radiant and even complexion.

Confirmed effectiveness**: 100% of subjects reported a refreshed complexion, 95% experienced hydrated skin, 90% noticed a reduction in the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, 100% achieved a healthy glow in their complexion, and 90% reported smoother skin with a pleasant feeling. *Based on self-assessment by 20 users after 4 weeks of use.

My review:

In the last couple of years, cosmetic products with vitamin C have become extremely popular on the market. Garnier gel cream with vitamin C is the first such product that I tried, and since I was delighted with its effect on my face, I decided to try this Balea serum which is a slightly cheaper variant.

The serum comes in a package of 30 ml, and the price is around 5 EUR.

It can be bought exclusively in DM drugstores, so it is inaccessible for those who do not have this store in their country.

Its structure is liquid, yellowish in color, and has a slight citrus scent that does not stay long on the skin.

It is recommended to use it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, in order to achieve the best possible effect.

The product is easily applied to the face with a pipette, and you can nicely dose how much product you need.

After applying the serum, the skin is hydrated and refreshed, but it causes slight redness on my sensitive skin, some ingredients unfortunately do not suit me, so I would not repeat the purchase.

Of course, this does not mean that it will not suit someone else with a different skin type.

If you have tried this product I would love for you to share your experiences in the comments. 🙂

For those with sensitive skin, I recommend trying the Garnier gel cream with vitamin C, the review of which you can read by clicking here.

Ukratko o proizvodu Balea VITAMIN C face serum:

Balea VITAMIN C serum za lice deluje kao antioksidans, hrani i štiti kožu od štetnih faktora okoline, istovremeno pružajući intenzivnu hidrataciju. Takođe zateže fine linije i bore, što rezultira vidljivo glatkijom kožom. Balea VITAMIN C serum za lice će vam dati blistav i ujednačen ten.

Potvrđena efikasnost**: 100% ispitanika je prijavilo osvežen ten, 95% je imalo hidratizovanu kožu, 90% je primetilo smanjenje vidljivosti finih linija i bora, 100% je postiglo zdrav sjaj na svom tenu, a 90% je prijavilo glatkiju kožu sa prijatnim osećanjem. *Na osnovu samoprocene 20 korisnika nakon 4 nedelje upotrebe.

Moja recenzija:

U poslednjih par godina na tržištu su postali izuzetno popularni kozmetički proizvodi sa vitaminom C. Garnier gel krema sa vitaminom C je prvi takav proizvod koji sam isprobala, i pošto sam bila oduševljena njegovim učinkom na mome licu, odlučila sam da isprobam i ovaj Balea serum koji je malo jeftinija varijanta.

Serum dolazi u pakovanju od 30 ml, i cena je oko 5 EUR.

Može da se kupi isključivo u DM drogerijama, pa za one koji nemaju ovu radnju u svojoj zemlji je nepristupačno.

Struktura mu je tečna, žućkaste boje i blagog citrusnog mirisa koji se ne zadržava dugo na koži.

Preporuka je da se koristi dva puta na dan, ujutru i naveče, kako bi se postigao što bolji efekat.

Prozvod se lako nanosi na lice pipetom, i možete lepo da dozirate koliko proizvoda vam je potrebno.

Nakon nanošenja seruma koža je hidrirana i osvežena, ali na mojoj osetljivoj koži izaziva blago crvenilo, neki sastojak mi nažalost ne odgovara, tako da ne bih ponavljala kupovinu.

To naravno ne znači da nekom drugom sa drugačijim tipom kože neće odgovarati.

Ako ste isprobali ovaj proizvod volela bih da podelite vaša iskustva u komentarima. 🙂

Za one sa osetljivom kožom preporučujem da isprobaju Garnier gel kremu sa vitaminom C čiju recenziju možete pročitati klikom ovde.

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